Young Adults Retreats
These are events of inquiry and exploration dedicated to those aged 19 to 35, interested in coming together to look into fundamental questions of life.
Rates start from £340 for a single room. If you find the cost prohibitive, please book one of our reduced rates starting from only £40 a night.
The deposit is £100, which secures your booking.
Cancellation policy: see here

The Retreat and Centre
This is an invitation for participants to discover a new way of living. With silence, nature and dialogue at the core of the retreat, guests sustain an inquiry into issues of everyday life that concern and connect us all.
The topics covered during the event touch on fundamental aspects of Krishnamurti’s teachings, themes that resonate deeply across generations, such as love, loneliness, freedom, society and meditation. Carefully selected videos or audio of Krishnamurti’s talks and discussions are followed by dialogues among participants.
A variety of accommodations are available at the Centre and a short walk away. All meals are vegetarian, with a vegan option.

Our intention is to make these events available to everyone, regardless of circumstances. If you find the cost prohibitive, please book one of our reduced rates starting from only £40 a night.
Our regular rates start from £85 per night for a single room.
Rates are full board and include all meals and refreshments, as well as participation in all activities and materials for the event.
We also have limited volunteering spaces for those who wish to stay longer than the duration of the retreat. Please visit our volunteer programme page for more information.
If you still need further financial assistance, please get in touch with us.
Cancellation policy: see here
Located in mid-Hampshire, The Krishnamurti Centre is easily accessible by car or public transport. Please see our Getting Here page for more information.
The Krishnamurti Centre
Bramdean, Alresford
Hampshire SO24 0LQ
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)1962 771748
Company Registration No. 1055588
Registered Charity No. 312865
© Krishnamurti Foundation Trust Ltd
The Foundation