Aerial View of Brockwood Park, Hampshire UK
Brockwood Park
Brockwood Park is located in a peaceful yet accessible part of Hampshire, UK. Set amongst ancient woods and the rolling hills of the South Downs, Brockwood is the ideal setting for inquiry into the whole of life. The elements of Brockwood Park complement each other and form a unique whole. The Krishnamurti Centre is a quiet retreat centre designed for adults to explore the work of Krishnamurti and its relevance to their lives. Brockwood Park School provides a unique education for teenage boarding students from all over the world. Inwoods Small School is an independent day school for primary-aged children. The Foundation ensures Krishnamurti’s teachings are preserved and available worldwide.

A View of The Krishnamurti Centre
The Krishnamurti Centre
Established by Krishnamurti and opened in 1987, the retreat centre was purposely designed. It is set in over forty acres of grounds in the beautiful Hampshire countryside. The Centre’s accommodation consists of 20 en-suite rooms and two flats, with the library, sitting room, conservatory, video rooms, dining room, courtyard and a unique quiet room forming its communal spaces. Larger events also utilise accommodation a short walk away. All meals are vegetarian, with a vegan option. On individual retreats, guests can arrange their own study, use the library, walk in the grounds and local area, and inquire informally with others. Day guests are also welcome by prior arrangement. We offer a variety of Group Retreats, including retreats dedicated to young adults.
This place must be of great beauty, with trees, birds and quietness, for beauty is truth, and truth is goodness and love.
The Centre’s collection of books, video and audio recordings is available for all guests. The library contains copies of all Krishnamurti’s books and many translations. There are two video rooms and portable devices are available for guests to use. The bookshop stocks a comprehensive selection of Krishnamurti books.

The Foundation Office at The Krishnamurti Centre
The Krishnamurti Foundation
Established in 1968 as a registered charity, and located at The Krishnamurti Centre, Krishnamurti Foundation Trust exists to preserve and make available Krishnamurti’s teachings.
The Foundation serves a global audience by providing worldwide free access to Krishnamurti videos, audio and texts to those who may be interested in pursuing an understanding of Krishnamurti’s work in their own lives.
In describing his intentions for the Foundations, Krishnamurti said:Â
The Foundations will see to it that these teachings are kept whole, are not distorted, are not made corrupt.

Students at Brockwood Park School
Brockwood Park School
Brockwood Park School is an international co-educational boarding school offering a personalised, holistic education for around 70 students aged 14 to 19. The school, the only one of its kind in Europe, is deeply inspired by Krishnamurti’s teachings, which encourage academic excellence, self-understanding, creativity and integrity, in a safe, non-competitive environment.
Here at Brockwood, we are responsible for creating the soil in which there is freedom. In that freedom, we can flower in goodness.
Education at Brockwood goes beyond more traditional kinds of learning. Not exclusively academic, its mission is to help students learn the art of living, bringing together aspects of learning, sensitivity, open-mindedness and self-reflection that are too often ignored.
Inwoods Small School
As its name suggests, Inwoods primary school is set amongst beautiful woodland, a short walk from Brockwood Park School. Far more than simply a place in nature to acquire knowledge, the school provides a nurturing environment valuing relationship, self-knowledge and reflective observation, resulting in creative, inquiring and attentive minds.
Get Involved
For adults interested in visiting or getting involved with Brockwood Park, we suggest initially to come for a retreat at The Krishnamurti Centre. You can find out more here.
At the Centre, we also accept a number of residential volunteers aged 19 to 35 (and others subject to available space), providing the chance to explore fundamental questions in life in light of Krishnamurti’s teachings. You can find out more about this programme here.

The Krishnamurti Centre
Bramdean, Alresford
Hampshire SO24 0LQ
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)1962 771748
Company Registration No. 1055588
Registered Charity No. 312865
© Krishnamurti Foundation Trust Ltd
The Foundation